Aid the People (ATP) is a non-profit making organization founded on Monday 11th May, 2020 in Freetown, Sierra Leone, birthed from the passion to help humanity. It was established by a group of women headed by MariatuSokoFoday who believe in the spirit of empowerment and activism to promote vulnerable people’s livelihood, wellbeing, self-reliance and dignity.
The founders had also worked as volunteers in four of Sierra Leone’s national crises: the outbreak of EBOLA in March of 2014, the Mudslide in August of 2017, COVID-19 in March of 2020, and floods in August of 2022, to mention the most drastic ones. The experiences gathered in these humanitarian crisis can now be used on the ATP platform to provide relief services alongside relevant Government Line Ministries, Departments, Agencies, local NGOs, district Councils, International humanitarian organizations, District Councils, International Development Partners, Civil Society Platforms, Networks and Community Based structures.OUR BELIEFS AND VALUES:
§ Creating an enabling environment to achieve self-empowerment and self-reliance for a sustainable development;
§ To uphold strong human rights values and integrity;
§ Support pro-poor polices for peace, security, justice and sustainable development;
§ Prioritize children, women, youths, disabilities, Gender Equality and Social Inclusion;
§ Promote good governance policies, transparency, accountability and the rule of law.
- Prevent and alleviate human suffering where ever it is found, with keen attention to the most vulnerable
- Uphold equal rights for all, without discrimination in all our services, and to relieve suffering giving priority to the most urgent cases of distress.
- We uphold our humanitarian operations
independently with no political affiliations.
- To Improve the living standard and condition of all living in the poverty gap;
- To provide emergency response and relief in the event of natural/man-made disasters;
- To identify and empower individuals through training in livelihood skills;
- To promote human rights, equality and justice for all;
- To provide health education, water sanitation and hygiene (WASH) for all;
- To contribute to food security and reducing poverty and hunger;